Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan

Percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang liburan di bawah ini bisa kalian praktekkan dirumah lho. Kalian tentu saja pernah membicarakan tentang liburan dengan teman kalian kan? Nah, bagaimana kalau membicarakan masalah liburan dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris? Apa kalian sudah pernah mencobanya?

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan

Ketika belajardialog mengenai liburan, secara tidak langsung kalian juga mempelajari kosakata dan pelafalan bahasa Inggrisnya. Mintalah gurumu untuk menjelskan bagaimana pelafalan bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar sebelum memulai percakapan dengan temanmu. Sebagai bahan latihan, kalian bisa mempelajarai percakapan singkat yang membahasa tentang liburan.

Rizky and Anggi are very happy because they will have three holidays in a row. Now, they are discussing what they are going to do during their holidays.

Rizky    : I am so happy the weekends are finally here!
Anggi    : yeah, me too. it’s such a long weekend. You know what, we’ve got three holidays in a row.
Rizky    : so, where are you going?
Anggi    : honestly, I don’t have any plans yet. How about you?
Rizky   : I am going to go fishing and camping in lake neat my grandma’s house.
Anggi    : That’s sounds great! Whom do you go with?
Rizky    : just with Tina, Diah and Resti. Do you want to join us?
Anggi    : umm, let me think about it. I will let you know this afternoon. Okay?
Rizky    : okay! I hope you can join because we’re going have lots of fun together!
Anggi    : is there any other activity beside fishing and camping?
Rizky   : well, I think we’re going to have a small barbeque party because my grandma said that she has lots of fish in her fridge. So, it’s going to be great to bake or grill it.
Anggi    : good idea. will your grandma join with you?
Rizky  : no, she will just care for us because the lake is just behind her house. so she can come around whenever she wants.
Anggi    : how long will you stay anyway?
Rizky   : um.. I don’t know yet. It might be till the last holiday. Tina, Diah and Resti agree to stay any longer because they don’t have any plans. Hahaha
Anggi   : you got me hypnotized, Riz. Seem that I’m also interested in your holiday plan. I’m going to tell my parents about this. Hope they will allow me to join with you.
Rizky   : you should! Okay, I’m waiting for good news from you. Now, I have to go. Bye!
Anggi    : Bye! Be careful. I’ll text you this afternoon then.

Percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang liburan diatas tentu sangat mudah dipahami kan, sekarang giliran kalian mempraktekkannya dengan teman kalian. Baca juga artikel lainnya : Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Hotel 

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